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Cutting consumables

Cutting consumables

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Grinding consumables

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Micro consumables

Cutting consumables

Cutting consumables

Cutting consumables

Mosaic consumables
Grinding consumables

Grinding consumables

Grinding consumables

Micro consumables

Micro consumables

Micro consumables

Preparation method

Preparation method

Tell me your materials, and we will help you develop a sample preparation plan.

How to come true the perfect sample preparation in your material?
Truer has abundant experience in sample preparation of different materials.We do the manual according to the common materials to help you know the preparation method fastly and precisely,avoid the problem in preparation process.
Sample Preparation of Titanium and Titanium Alloys
Titanium and titanium alloys usually adapt cooling mounting.
Heat mounting may can produce the hydrogen pollution and the metastable βphase will decompose because the hydrogen in the mounting material may diffuse into the sample in the hot state.Since the solubility of hydrogen in the α phase is extremely low, the solubility increases when the temperature rises, and the solubility decreases when cooling, resulting in the precipitation of tiny dispersed titanium hydrides.
Cutting Method
Cutting machine, fixture ,cutting wheel,cooling liquid and a series parameter(include the cutting mode,feeding speed and rotation speed) combined together determine the quality of the cut
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  • 400-099-7576
  • 021-34386739
  • 021-34320902
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  • Third Floor,NO.299,Songqiu Road,Qingpu District,Shanghai,China
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