Home /Equipment /Mounting/ TECHNOMAT Vacuum Pressure Cooker
TECHNOMAT Vacuum Pressure Cooker
TECHNOMAT Vacuum Pressure Cooker

Fast-curing resin

Good resin protection

High-quality test samples can be obtained

Especially for transparent mounting materials

TECHNOMAT vacuum pressure cooker is a special equipment developed especially for fast-curing polymer resins. The 2 bar working pressure is determined according to the characteristics of TECHNOMAT self-curing resins. It is suitable for pressure polymerization treatment of mounting or impression materials in material testing (profile grinding and surface impression testing).

Protect the sample to obtain the sample without bubble

Use the Technomat pressure cooker to assist in the fast curing of cold mounting resins to obtain the best samples.

The Technomat vacuum pressure cooker is specially designed for fast-curing resins which can fully and effectively protect the physical and chemical properties of the mounting resin.

Put the impregnated sample into the Technomat pressure cooker for pressure curing to obtain high quality test samples without bubble.

Perfect effect

It is perfect when used with Truerr's transparent mounting materials, such as the MC002 QUIKFIRM rapid high-hardness set or the MC003 BUBBLEFREE vacuum-free clear cold mounting set.

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Customized service is provided for your material and demands

Truer has experience engineers in technology service and experts who has abundant sample preparation skills and can provide the customized service to you.We will provide the professional preparation skill and operating proposals also can install and debug on-site.Warranty is one year for the equipment and lifetime maintenance.The technical support online and skills training can be provided annual.

Contact Us
  • 400-099-7576
  • 021-34386739
  • 021-34320902
  • 13472638080 Clara Xu
  • Third Floor,NO.299,Songqiu Road,Qingpu District,Shanghai,China
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