3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a magical technology that creates three-dimensional objects by adding materials layer by layer. There are various 3D printing technologies, including stereolithography (SLA), fused deposition modeling (FDM) and selective laser melting (SLM), which are widely used in many industries such as medicine, construction, aerospace, etc.
The following shares a typical metallographic structure picture of common metal parts made by laser melting powder materials:
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316L Stainless steel sample
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Low Carbon Steel
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S136 Sample
50X 50X
Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg
50X 50X
Aluminum Alloy AlSi10Mg
100X 100X
Titanium Alloy
100X 500X
Titanium Alloy
500X 500X
Titanium alloy powder
50X 100X
Copper Alloy
50X 200X
High temperature alloys
100X 200X
*The above pictures may not be reproduced without permission, otherwise legal liability will be pursued.